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Wednesday 27 April 2011

Is Steven Moffat in too deep ?

After series 6 episode 1 titled, The Impossible Astronaut, highlighted, for me, the work the current head writer and producer has done to the show since taking over two years ago; and what he still needs to do. Five weeks ago I found out through Doctor Who magazine that one of the main four character's would die within the first few minutes of the episode i was cynical. After watching the scene when the mysterious astronaut kills the Doctor through mid regeneration i knew we would be treated to another one of Steven Moffat whirlwind storyline's the will take another series at least to culminate.

First introduced by Steven in his 2008 episode called "Silence in the library" River Song has been galavanting through history in the opposite direction to the Doctor, meaning that when he meets her for the last time, it will be the first time for her. Since then we have been brought tantalisingly close to having her true identity revealed yet three years on we are no closer. She has the ability to fly the TARDIS perhaps better than the Doctor, she has "killed the best man she knew" resulting in her being imprisoned in "The Stormcage" which she has frequently escaped from, she owns a sonic screwdriver of her own and a strange blue "TARDIS" diary. There are many clues and many theories

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Amy really pregnant?

Today Doctor who combom pointed out that at the beginning of "The impossible Astronaut" Amy was drinking wine. Surely she would not have endeavoured to consume an alcohol based beverage with the knowledge she was pregnant...strange; was this a production error, or a hint?

Only time will tell......

Sunday 24 April 2011

Confirmed series 6 spoilers

Here are a list of spoilers that have been confirmed for series 6 of Doctor Who, enjoy and proceed with caution :
1. Cybermats will return
2. Amy is pregnant
3. Cybermen will return
4. A lone sontaron has been spotted on the set of episode 7 so at least 1 will return
5. An ood will appear in episode 4 which is written by Neil Gaiman and is called "The Doctor's Wife"
6. A silurian played has been spotted on the set for episode 7 so at least 1 will return
7. The series will be split up into two halves with a cliffhanger at the end of episode 7
8. River song's identity will be revealed at the end of episode 7
9. Steven Moffat carefully included clues to the existence of the silence in series 5
10. James Corden will reprise his role as Clive in episode twelve of the series and this episode will feature cybermats

Saturday 23 April 2011

The impossible astronaut review

Today (saturday 23rd april 2011) the first episode of Doctor who series 6 aired at 6PM.  The episode was titled "The impossible Astronaut" and was the first of a two parter, it was not as action packed as undoubtably the second episode which is called "Day of the moon" will be. In addition i feel The silence, the creepy new foes that caused the end of the universe in the last series were not seen enough. Their powers include shooting lighting from their fingers and mind wiping, an example of this would be when River song (a mysterious friend of the Doctor's) explored the sewage system filled with Silents yet when she emerged from the tunnel she forgot she had seen them.  A new plot line in this series is the fact that each of the TARDIS member's seem's to have a secret from the other. River, Amy (the Doctor's companion) and Rory (Amy's husband) all saw the Doctor get killed by the strange person in an apollo spacesuit but they later discovered it was a future Doctor and they now conceal this from the present Doctor, as we found out the Doctor that dies is a future Doctor. Another secret is that Amy is pregnant and she reveals this to the Doctor, i believe that this may cause tension between the four as clearly Amy does not want Rory to know which could mean many things, i heard in sfx magazine that the child may not be hers.

I think the episode was not as good as all the hype suggested because it lacked substance and Steven Moffat ( the producer and head writer of series 5 and 6) may have dug himself into too deep a whole with his constant timey-wimey story lines yet i will see how things turn out. MK